Friday, May 1, 2009


On Monday, after turning in the final drafts to our IJSEM papers, we attended a presentation on Real-Time PCR. Real-Time PCR was used in the Salazar 2006 paper in determining the GEO primers, which we used when performing PCR throughout the class. Then we streaked casein plates and tested for oxidase and catalase. The oxidase experiment was preformed by spreading the culture onto filter paper. Then we added a drop of oxidase solution to the culture, and observed for a color change. The catalase experiment was performed by placing a loop with culture into a drop of hydrogen peroxide and observing for the formation of bubbles. The results from catalase and oxidase were put into the spread sheet. Before leaving, we looked at the progress of our Gobi isolate and noted on which media the organism was growing best on. On Friday, we attended our final class. We received our grades from our presentations and had a lab party with donuts and pizza thanks to Dr. Rainey. Then before we left we had a discussion about the final, lab books, and the database.

1 comment:

  1. Friday!?! Wednesday is more like it Sean Michael!
