Sunday, May 3, 2009

:-( Last Class :-(

Well we all knew this roller coaster of a ride would end sometime. On Monday, we were lectured on qPCR by Mr. Jun. I learned a few things that I had not known prior to his lecture. Following his presentation, I gave my presentation on what I think is novel organism. I am sorry it I seemed a little nervous. I’ve never been too good at presenting in front of classes. We then headed to class to perform casein, oxidase and catalase tests on our strains. The positive result for oxidase is the appearance of blue pigment after application to a colony streaked on filter paper. The positive result of catalase would be the formation of bubbles after a loopful of specimen is placed in a droplet of 3% hydrogen peroxide. There seemed to be no correlation between the oxidase and catalase results. On Wednesday, we had our last class of the semester. We had a short review of what will be covered on the final and then we had a party to celebrate the successful semester. I really enjoyed this class this semester. I got to meet a lot of interesting people that have shown the dedication required to succeed. It’s kind of sad that it’s all over, now I got to find a job. I wish everybody the best of luck in pursuing their goals. It has truly been a pleasure this semester.


  1. It wouldn't be an appropriate ending if Larry's blog wasn't last. JK love you Larry!! Oh and are there anymore critical mass bike rides?

  2. There's a critical mass bike ride on the 29th
