Friday, February 6, 2009

A little missing

I was unable to attend class on Monday so I do not know all that went on. I am aware that DNA was isolated from particular Isolates. From my Group of Isolates Isolates numbered 1,2,3,4,5,12 were used. To do this extraction the MoBio DNA Isolation Kit was used. Upon my return Wed we took the DNA and ran it out on a 1% Agarose gel in TBE buffer. Even though I’ve done a few of these in my work Dr. Rainey made sure to show me how to do it the correct way. After the gels ran we were all taught how to use the Gel Doc or Eagle Eye to view the bands on our gel. After completion of the gel work we took a look at our serial dilution plates to be able to possibly choose some colonies to isolate for future study. We had two types of soil sample 1 soil sample was just spread on to the plates the second was from the same sample source but it was given a dose of 5kGy gamma radiation by Dr. Manish Shukla then diluted and spread onto plates. Upon observing the plates it was noticed at least in our set that the organisms that survived radiation did not like salt. Also the organisms better suited to survive the radiation tended to favor lower nutrienct media like the 1/10th PCA or 1/100th PCA. In a possible correlation to that on our non radiated plates the lower nutrient media did have a higher value of diversity compared to the higher nutrient plates. We do have some colonies that could possibly be the isolates that we started out with on our plates but there is also the possibility that its just some species of Deinococcus.

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