Sunday, January 25, 2009


The genus contains two species: Modestobacter multiseptatus and Modesterbacter versicolor.
The colonies are beige to pink in color on rich media and are irregularly shaped. When grown on oligotrophic media, the colonies can appear brownish in color. The genus consists of gram-postive bacterica that are rod and cocci in shape. Their optimal growth temperature was found to be at about 25 degress C at a neural pH. The genus can utilize d-glucose, d-glactose, lactose, and sucrose for growth. After looking through the pictures and the discriptions on the excel sheet, I found numbers 1,3,4,6,9,10,11,12,13,15,24,33,62,75, and 78 to be most constist with the genus Modestobacter.

Strain12 seemed to fit the description well being pinkish beige in color and having irregular circle shaped colonies.

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