Friday, January 30, 2009

This week we began working!

We made dilutions (1-6) using LRH-03-1soil and streaked it to determine possible factors growth. We noted that as the dilution concentration increased, less growth was observed! Also we discussed the effect that UV and gamma rays had on different organisms. Rubrobacter are among the UV resistant organisms! Next, we restreaked our original strains (27-52) and incubated them at different temperatures (10, 25, 30, 37, 42) so that we could later determine which organisms grow best at those temperatures, in an attempt to classify organisms. In addition, we used plates with different NaCl concentrations (1,3,6,9) so that we could quite possibly determine which organisms grow best in higher salt concentrations by measuring growth rates among the plates. All of these tests are to help identify what genus our strains belong to. Finally we reviewed articles making note of possible phenotype testing methods that may be used to determine which strains are Blastococcus and which are not! Sent from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. This was my blog...I am unsure if I spelled Rubrobacter correctly!
