Sunday, March 1, 2009

Here is my blog!!

This mardi gras break has brought me some much needed relief. Not only was it nice sleeping late for a couple of days, what brought me the most relief is finding some relief for my chronic headaches. I went to the doctor and found out I have some pretty nasty polyps in my nose and behind my eyes! Ewww! Hopefully there no surgery in my future, but I’ll go back in a couple of weeks to find out.
I’m working on a study guide that I will be glad to share with everyone whenever I get done. I am busy reading all of the papers on airset and making some descriptions of the three genera. So much to do!!
Thanks again Larry for the boil 4125 stuff. I did good on my test! See you Monday!


  1. Share? Why not sell it? Yes we now live in SSA (Socialist States of America) but giving away a study guide might be taking this socialism a little to far.... are MCAT study guides free :-)

  2. I will sell my study guide for a cockatoo and 2 children! I mean that's the going rate for kids these days according to that couple in Eunice.

  3. Cristi DO NOT listen to Rainey...he's the man who doesnt celebrate V-DAY!!
