Thursday, March 26, 2009

So this was the best week ever, by far!!

On Monday, we set up carbon utilization test, incubated our strains at four degree celsius, and restreaded out stock cutures which were contaminated. The carbon utilization test consist of 16 carbon sources and 1 control. Each strain was spotted on each of the different carbon sources and on the control. The experimental plates consist of 2.5 g/L of yeast abstract, 1g/L of calcium carbonate, 10 g/L of 1% NaCl, and 1g/L of the carbon source. The control plates were similar; however, they lacked the carbon source. The yeast which was in the basil medium was necessary because the organism needs some type of nutrient to grow on; carbon alone would not be sufficient. We spotted 10 uL of the strains onto the plate (6 strains per plate). This was a very simple procedure however some how we managed to screw things up a little. You heard right! While spotting the plates the lids were taken off so that the spots would be able to dry; however, we (me and one of my lab partners) forgot which lid went with which plate so we had to toss the plates and start again. Other than that the experiment was quite successful, so far! Next we reviewed our temperature charts to see which strains grew at 10 degrees. Those plates which grew were streaked unto new plates and incubated at 4 degrees. This would allow us to see which strains could sustain these low temperatures. After reviewing, those which could not sustain these temperatures will be incubated at 6 degrees, but this is another story for another day. Any how, next we restreaked our stock cultures which were contaminated. That pretty much wrapped up Monday! Wednesday, was the big shin dig!!! First we checked our pH plates for growth. Through our findings I concluded that the plates were labeled wrong. For example strain 28 had an optimum growth at a pH of 7, none at 8, and a large colony of growth at 9. This does not seem very consistent; therefore, I believe that the 8 and 9 plates were labeled incorrectly. Next we performed DNA extraction. This ran rather smoothly! The best part of it all was when we took our little break while the tubes were in the water bath. Rainey bought us doughnuts with WHOLE milk :), and Manish bought some potato balls :)!! I must say this week was worth all of the hassle Rainey gives!! Just joking Rainey, we know you dont really think were bloody people haha!


  1. wheres your pictures?

    talk about a pain in the neck to do that spot plating again

  2. oo i dont know everytime i try to upload them through my email this happens! but anyways, yes that was a pain!

  3. The media is made with Yeast Extract not abstract and I added NaCl to a concentration of 1% which happens to be 10g/L not 10g/L of 1%NaCl

  4. I'm confused about Eugene's comment because you wrote the same thing twice.
