Friday, March 6, 2009

Lab goes on no matter what school says.....

It has been a while since my last entry and this is what has happened. School said that there was suppose to be a holiday but it did not really interest me so instead I returned to my post in the lab. On Monday of the holiday the last of the large quantity of media needed for some future experiments was made and poured this took about all day. Tuesday I did actually take the day off the main reason being the building was locked and I could not get into it. Wednesday was the busiest of all. Rachel came in and helped label and plate a Cellulose and Xylan degredation test. Dr. Raney helped also once everything was set up. Ph was also suppose to be done but we ran out of time.
The following Monday Lab resumed. On this day the plates that had been inoculated with spots from our radiation test were graded there seemed to be know survivors of the 16kGy dose. There were no real surprises the majority of the organisms survived to some extent 6kGy. The starch hydrolysis test was also graded on Monday. Our results were 50/50. Also for the remainder of class DNA isolation took place. We isolated DNA from the 20 colonies that we took from our unirradiated and irradiated serial dilution plates that were done previously. This DNA will be used to sequence these organisms and see if any are related to our target Genera of Geodermatophilus, Modestobacter, or Blastococcus.
Wednesday was the big Midterm I thought the test was fair and there were probably things I missed as I think back on it I even forgot to go back and change one of my answeres that I needed to so no 100% for me. Anyway after the test we plated using the spot technique our Ph test. This will test the ranges of growth of our isolates the range they were plated on was ph4-ph10 at 1 ph increments. So for the past two weeks a load of data has been obtained that will amount to maybe three lines in a table in the final paper.

The pictures I have chosen are the ones from the irradiation test. As you can see as the amount of radiation absorbed by the organisms increases the amount of growth in the inoculated spot decreases. This shows that a radiation dose above 3kGy selects against isolates 8, 10, and 12 allowing isolates 11, and 16 to grow where as a dose above 6kGy selects against all the isolates. Similar cases were shown on all series of plates :

Strains exposed to 0kGy:

Strains exposed to 3kGy:

Strains exposed to 6kGy:
Strains exposed to 16kGy:


  1. i def commend you for coming during mardi gras break! Question: I noticed you wrote 50/50, a majority of ours seemed to be + but only weakly this possible or should a + test indicate a very distinctive clearing??

  2. lets see what all the results look like in the combined spread sheet RAINEY is preparing and will eventually post on AirSet...we should be able to compare the positive, weakly positive and negative results for starch with the strain pigmentation and the suggested identity. After Mondays class we will have genus level identities for many of our strains when we submit the 16S rRNA gene sequences to

  3. I am pretty sure that we only extracted DNA from 16 organisms

  4. your right it was only 16 organisms

  5. we used a weakly positive characterization for some of our strains, too. Most of our strains were positive/weakly positive
