Sunday, May 3, 2009
:-( Last Class :-(
Friday, May 1, 2009
Semester at a Glance....
This past week we did tests such as caseinase, catalase, and oxidase. If the organism is able to break down caseinase a clearing will be seen in the opaque, white media. If the organism is positive for catalase bubbles of oxygen will be produced in the hydrogen peroxide. If an organism produces oxidase it will turn blue once inoculated with hydrogen peroxide. We had strains that were positive for all of these tests. The last day we talked about the dreaded final (just kidding you guys) and had frozen Krispey Kreme and had delicious Papa Johns pizza. I also bought popsicles. We all had a BLAST (get it), even though we waited 10 minutes for Larry to show up to class.... I enjoyed this class and I know that Rainey can't wait for his next 4126 class so that they can continue with this project.
On Monday,
We also determined that our soil isolate, GB-20, grew the best on R2A and 1/10 PCA.
On Wednesday, we enjoyed pizza and donuts, courtesy of Dr. Rainey. Thank you!!! They were delicious. We also talked about the final, database, and lab notebook which are all due or take place on Monday. Yikes! Finals week got here so fast.
The End is Near......
Wednesday was a discussion about what is going to be on the final and what is expected of us in our database/ excel sheet and our lab journals which are all due on the day of the final. After the discussion we had an end of the semester party with pizza and donuts.
all good things must come to an END!!!
In addition to presentations we streaked our strains unto plates which contained casein and performed catalase and oxidase test. Catalase test was performed by adding a loop full of the strain to hydrogen peroxide, and checking for bubbles. The oxidase test was performed by adding an solution to and checking for the formation of a color.
Wednesday brought on the tears. We got good news as well as bad. The good news was that Lauren had been accepted into med school (YAY LAUREN)...however, the bad news was that we may never be able to work alongside each other again :(
All in all this has been a great semester and I love all of you!!!!♥
Final Blog
Here Lauren is giving her 4126 presentation on her research findings
the new 4126 was a BLAST (not an EZTAXON)....
but he needs a pay raise as these cost $540 not $5.40 or $54.00 but $540 and guess who is wearing them? Click on the picture above to see the whole story :-)
Sunday, April 26, 2009
My EXTRA LATE blog...
Like writing any paper there are pros and cons. For this IJSEM paper the pros would be that this paper is for a grade, it is very informative, it describes a new species (one that we discovered), and it can be used as a reference in future studies. The cons are that IJSEM papers have to follow a strict format. I am used to writing english papers, ones that don't require much research or study. In addition, writing IJSEM papers takes a lot of time. We have had all semester to start writing this paper and all of us only started a week ago. Writing these papers are very time consuming and the result of the paper is shown by how much time you put into it. I can write an english paper in one day, however, I can't say the same for an IJSEM paper.
p.s. I don't think the First dog, Bo, is the source of the swine flu...i think Rainey brought it back from Costa Rica. So everyone PLEASE wear face mask tomorrow
Saturday, April 25, 2009
PROs and Cons of Writing an IJSEM Paper
The CONs of an IJSEM paper are hard to say with such limited experience in authoring one. The format of the paper was certainly a difficult task to grasp. The information provided on the IJSEM website helped some, but it is difficult to deviate from prior experience and habits gained from writing other papers in previous biology lectures. The placement and alignment of figures, graphs, and other various aspects of the paper was difficult to accomplish. Another CON is the way to annotate the cited literature; this has been a common problem in other classes because there are multiple forms of citation. From the first semester at LSU on, I have encountered multiple ways to cite literature used in my essays and after awhile it becomes confusing on what and which information goes where when citing. My lack of experience in writing an IJSEM paper made it difficult to understand what needs to be in a paper pertaining to characterization of a new species. It was pretty difficult to decide what data goes where and what data I needed to include. Another con would be the chemotaxonomy section, since we preformed none of these tests; I found it very difficult to pick and choose what should go in it. It shear task of “going out on a limb” on deciding what to write about also made this a difficult paper to author.
The PROs of an IJSEM paper are also hard to say with minor experience in authoring one. After observing the IJSEM literature provided by Dr. Rainey it becomes clear that the data is presented in a format that is easy to read through. The format of the papers makes it easy to flip through and makes the data easy to understand. Another PRO would be that this paper is giving me experience in what it takes to write an article for a journal submission. If I was to pursue a research career, experience in journal acquisition/ submission would be a necessary requirement. I also gained a better insight into the amount of time and effort that each author puts into his/her work to be published.
Overall, this paper has made me a better researcher in my opinion. The experience gained by this task is invaluable to the process of seeking out my future profession.
Friday, April 24, 2009
How to write an IJSEM paper?
The pros of writing an IJSEM paper are that it presents data in a way that is universally understood by scientists. The format is clear and easy to follow and progressively moves through the study from the beginning to end. The research is presented in a clear and concise way which makes reading the paper less time consuming and more easily understood.
The cons of writing an IJSEM paper are that it is difficult to format data in the way that IJSEM demands. For new scientists, writing an IJSEM paper may be difficult due to its restriction on creative writing techniques. Extra information is emitted from the IJSEM paper in order to make it concise, but for a person who is used to writing paper’s for English classes this may be a difficult task.
...PAPERS...test...FAMILY EVENTS...presentations...MY SO CALLED LIFE!
My draft was not as good as I would have liked, but I am solely to blame. After reading the comments, I find it a little bit clearer what is asked of me. Also, I made some crazy mistakes; which were possibly due to working under such time constraints. The mistakes which were made were very simple so I do BELIEVE my final draft will be much better. So, I'm kind of confused about what this blog should be about also, so I am going to end on this note!
Almost Spring Break!!!.....
Spring Break….WOOT WOOT
Our first lab procedure of the day involved gathering our stock plates to be re-plated on to new media. After streaking the strains we parafilmed them and placed the plates in the incubator. The next task began with gathering the desiccation wells. We resuspended the cells by adding 500 microliters of liquid media (optimal media for each strain was used) and allowing them to sit for thirty minutes. We then swished the cells for thirty seconds each to mix up the wells contents. We then took ten microliters of each strain from the wells and spot plated each onto their optimal media. We spot plated six organisms per plate, parafilmed and placed them in the incubator.
After that we observed the results of the strains exposure to 9 kGy or radiation. Only strain twenty-seven grew, this strain is from the Sahara which makes it more likely to be a candidate for UV resistance due to possible link between desiccation resistance (which the organism obviously needs since it’s found in the desert). Our last task of the day was making PCR Master Mix and selecting our LRH-4 DNA extraction as our DNA (+) control.
PCR Master Mix (in order, 49.5 µl in each tube)
· X10 buffer 80 µl
· Geosp1 8.0 µl
· Geosp2 8.0 µl
· dNTPs 80 µl
· water 632 µl
· sample DNA 0.5 µl
· Taq pol. 0.5 µl
We hot-started the PCR mix this time in order to make sure the DNA is accessible to the polymerase. The Taq polymerase was added after the hot start because at those temperatures Taq polymerase becomes inactivated.
PCR Cycle: 40 cycles
· 98 C for 10 min (hot start)
· 90 C for 5 min (add Taq pol.)
· 93 C for 30 sec
· 51 C for 30 sec
· 72 C for 2 min
· 72 to 46 C for 10 min
The next lab day began with gathering contaminated carbon utilization plates to be plated onto new media. It is suspected that a contaminated tip contaminated the cell suspensions (as demonstrated by all of our strain 33 plates being contaminated) so we made new cell suspensions for each of our organisms by: adding 500 µl of liquid media, a loop full of your organism and vortexing the mixture multiple times. We spot plated 10 µl of each organism to new carbon source plates. After that we parafilmed them and placed them in the incubator.
The final task of the day was spot plating 10 µl of each of our strains on to new carbon utilization plates.
Carbon Sources:
· Control C
· Fructose FR
· Cellobiose CB
· Pyruvate PY
· Trehalose TR
· Sorbitol SB
· Myo-inositol MI
· Maltose MT
· Citrate CT
· Acetate AC
· Succinate SC
· Mannose MS
· Alanine AL
· Arginine AG
· Asparagine AS
· Histidine HS
· Lysine LY
· Threonine TH
We parafilmed and placed the new plates into the incubator. Sorry it took so long guys we had a lot of plates to do (labeling all of them made felt like it took forever) and making new cell suspensions took up quite a bit of time. Well I’ve be staying home for Spring Break, hopefully working on our paper. I hope everyone has a happy and safe break.
On Monday we talked about......
On Wednesday nothing, and I mean NOTHING exciting happen. We were supposed to to re-streak our carbon source plates, plate more carbon sources, and run our DNA out on a gel. However, all of our time consisted of re-streaking our carbon. Then after that we had to streak a new batch of carbon sources. This took the entire 3.5 hours. My thumb started to go numb and I started to become nauseous after the first hour. Like I said Wednesday was unexciting and nothing happened.
My week for Biol 4126 got started rather late....
On the bright side, spring break 2009 is this week! With that being said, I hope everyone has as much fun as I will ♥
Build up to Break.....
Wed was a large amount of spotting another round of carbon sources was prepared in the same manner as the previous set. 17 sources plus one control were plated. There was a mistake Eugene’s handwriting is not the best and his L’s look like C’s and vice versa so when he designated alanine as AL and acetate as AC no one including him could distinguish those plates from one another. They will have to be remade. There was another mistake that is easily overcome. The sorbitol plates were labeled with two designations SO and SB no other carbon sources have either of those designations so there is no mix up. The cell suspensions that were used to spot the plates were the same suspensions used last Monday when spotting the first set of carbohydrate utilization plates. For my group there was one exception the number 12 isolate suspension was lost and a new one had to be remade. It was remade in the same cell washing protocol as the first set. After spotting all of the plates we watched as Group three preformed a PCR clean up of one of our PCRs I believe it to be a 16s PCR to finish identifying all of the isolates but I’m not sure. Once the clean up was complete a 1%agarose gel was run and picture taken once the computer program was fixed. Some of the PCR product was lost so they will be done again. Hope everyone has a good spring break.
9kGy isolate 25 did fairly well
happy spring break......
C- control
F- fructose
CB- cellobiose
PY- pyruvate
TR- trehalose
SO/SB- sorbitol
MI- myo-inositol
MT- maltose
CT- citrate
AC- acetate
SC- succinate
MS- mannose
AL- alanine
AG- arginine
AS- asparagine
HS- histidine
LY- lysine
TH- threonine
We spotted 10µl of each strain onto agar containing each of the above. Finally, Lauren, Christi and Sean Michael purified PCR that had been done earlier in the day on some of our 4136 strains we do not have 16S for. Happy spring break everyone, have fun and be safe!!!!!
Blog then beach...
We Also ran a PCR on the DNA extracted from the three soil samples and the isolates from the 3 soil samples that showed up on the previous gel using the geo primers. Our group restreaked GB 20. The PCR instructions are:
98 C for 10 minutes to denature the DNA
90C for 5 minutes to cool and then add 0.5 ul of Taq polymerase
93C for 30 seconds to denature the DNA
51C for 30 seconds to anneal the primers
72 C for 2 minutes for elongation
-Repeat above steps 40 times
72 C for 10 minutes to extend elongation to make sure all fragments are the same size
4 C ??
The results of the gel showed that the three soil samples contain members of the Geodermatophilaceae family. The results were excellent with a single band at around 564. Also, the soil samples containing some of our strains showed a single band consistent with the Geodermatophilaceae family. Our GB-20 had two bands. I’m not quite sure why this would happen.
On Wednesday, we performed more carbon utilization tests using 16 different carbon sources. A control plate was also made for comparison. 10 ul of the strains were spotted on each of the carbon sources. Our previous carbon source plates were doing well.
We also purified the PCR products from our 26 strains.
Success with DNA
The pictures show some of our stains that are tolerant of 9kGy.
Strain 68 grew but showed less growth after the irradiation.
Tuesday, Eugene ran a gel with our PCR results from Monday and number of other dirt and bacteria samples. The results from out dirt samples showed a strong presence for bacteria from the family Geodermatophilaceae with bright bands around 565 bps.
Wednesday, we spotted of strains on 17 new carbon sources which included:
Fructose FR
Cellobiose CB
Pyruvate PY
Trehalose TR
Sorbitol SB
Myo-inositol MI
Maltose MT
Citrate CT
Acetate AC
Succinate SC
Mannose MS
Alanine AL
Arginine AG
Asparagine AS
Histidine HS
Lysine LY
Threonine TH
We also purified eight of Dr. Rainey’s PCR samples following the PCR purification protocol from Mo Bio. Six out of eight of these samples were also a success on a gel.
Friday, March 27, 2009
On Wednesday we had ALOT to do. We started off by rating our pH plates that we had done a few weeks before. In looking at our plates we noticed some contamination, however, it wasn’t enough that we could not tell the amount of growth. In looking at the plates there wasn’t a common growth trend and this really seemed weird since the organisms we are working with are from the same family, Geodermatophilaceae. Although not all, but some organisms did show some sort of a growth trend. You can see that at pH’s 4-5 the organism 31 did not grow.
Rain, Rain Go Away….
On Monday we began by discussing how utilization of a carbon source can be used to characterize and differentiate bacteria. We were assigned to plate our 26 strains on to media containing two and a half grams of yeast extract per liter, one gram of calcium carbonate per liter (basic component), ten grams of salt per liter (most of the bacteria grew on Marine Agar which contains ~3% salt) and one gram of carbon source per liter (control plate didn’t have one of the sixteen carbon sources we were testing). We spot-plated ten microliters of a cell suspension solution (six spots per plate) made by Eugene on to a control and the sixteen plates that contain only one carbon source each. I had to learn a difficult lesson, when plating so many plates I figured I could do all of them at once, the problem was I confused my lid order of the plates. This effectively made it impossible to tell which plate contained which carbon source. One of my fellow group members also did the same thing, go figure. For my second go-round, I only did six plates at once to prevent any confusion and decrease chance of contamination. Then we parafilmed the plates and placed them in the incubator. The different plates/carbon sources and their labels are:
1. Control C
2. Arabinose AR
3. Dulictol DL
4. Galactose GA
5. Glucose GU
6. Glycerol GY
7. Inositol IN
8. Lactose LA
9. Mannitol MN
10. Melezitose MZ
11. Melibiose MB
12. Raffinose RF
13. Rhannose RH
14. Ribose RI
15. Sucrose SU
16. Xylose XY
17. Xylan XN
We consulted our master chart to see which of our 26 strains grew at 10 C; we gathered the stock plates of those organisms to be plated on new optimal media (two organisms per plate) to be placed in the 6 C incubator. A single streak was used to inoculate the media. We plated strains: 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 47, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, and 51. The plates were then parafilmed and placed in the 6 C incubator. Our last task of the day involved plating a new stock strain 40 plate because it had contamination on it.
Our next lab began with the class observing and recording (scoring growth with pluses and noting the pigmentation) the results of the 26 strains growth on pH plates (4 to 10 pH). This will hopefully give us an idea of the optimal pH for each organism. At pH 4, no growth of the 26 strains was observed. At pH 5, only five of our 26 strains grew. At pH 6, six organisms had between three and four plus growth and the majority of the rest had one plus growth. At pH 7, eight organisms had between three and four plus growth and the majority of the rest had one plus growth. At pH 8, eight organisms had three plus growth and the majority of the rest had one plus growth. At pH 9, nine organisms had between three and four plus growth and the majority of the rest had one plus growth. At pH 10, ten organisms had no growth and the majority of the rest had one plus growth. We selected strain 31 to take pictures because it showed how pH can affect the growth of an organism as well as the pigmentation.
pH 4: 0+, no growth
pH 5: 0+, no growth
pH 6: 3+, light orange (BEST GROWTH)
pH 7: 2+, light orange
pH 8: 2+, light orange
* For some reason our pH 8 plate picture was missing, this may be due to the initial media label being incorrect (based on visual comparison to other plates by Dr. Rainey) and this may not have been considered when the pictures were taken. Based on my recorded notations, these pictures should be the correct.
pH 10: 0+, no growth
Our final task of the day was DNA extraction from our Little Red Hill soil sample. We are trying to get a general idea of the Geodermatophilaceae present in our soil via extraction coupled with gel electrophoresis. We used a different extraction method (MOBIO’s Ultra Clean™ Mega Soil DNA Kit) this time because we were dealing with soil instead of just media plates of organisms (method is located on Airset and within my notebook). During the extensive down-time during the DNA extraction, Dr. Rainey was kind enough to bring some delicious doughnuts and milk to snack on while Manesh made a traditional Indian dish. After we finished the final step we placed our DNA in the refrigerator to prevent any damage/ breakdown of our DNA. In the next lab, we will perform gel electrophoresis on our sample DNA; we are looking for DNA bands approximately 550 to 560 in length which is characteristic of our target organisms.
here you go frederico!
1) 11 g Yeast Extract (2.5g Yeast Extract/ Liter)
2) 1g Calcium Carbonate/Liter
a. The calcium carbonate is a buffer that neutralizes the acid produced by the organisms
3) 1% NaCl (10g NaCl/ Liter)
We added one of 16 carbon sources to this media. In addition, one set of plates was deemed the control and had no carbon source added to the basal media. We will use this plate as a comparison to see if there was more growth on the control plates or on the media containing the carbon sources. The carbon sources that we used are:
1. Control C
2. Arabinos AR
3. Dulictol DL
4. Galactose GA
5. Glucose GU
6. Glycerol GY
7. Inositol In
8. Lactose LA
9. Mannitol MN
10. Melezitose MZ
11. Melibiose MB
12. Raffinose RF
13. Rhannose RH
14. Ribose RI
15. Sucrose SU
16. Xylose XY
17. Xylan XN
By the way, I hope that all of you are aware of the fact that I made a mistake when typing up the carbon sources for everybody. The C is CONTROL not carbon.
We sported 10 ul of each strain onto each carbon sources. There are 6 strains/plate. Cells were washed with saline prior to spotting to remove any remnants of the previous media. The plates were then incubated at 25 C.
Also on Monday, we used our stock plates to streak strains that grew at 10C and incubated them at 4 C. All of our group’s 26 strains grew at 10 C and therefore were restreaked and incubated at 4 C except for strains 54, 58, 68, and 78.
On Wednesday, we observed the results of our pH plates. The strains were streaked on media at pH 4-10. A special thanks to everyone we came in over Mardi Gras to prepare these plates for us. We had some pretty interesting results and they are located on airset. Most notably, color changes were observed in several strains at the various pH’s. I am really excited about strain 69. At pH 6 it was a smooth black colony. However as the pH increased (7-10) it began to form a cream/peach color around its parameter. This made me think of Modestobacter versicolor. However, in the paper pH did not induce a color change. Nutrient conditions elicited the color change. Who knows! I’m still excited. Our plates containing strains 67,69,70, 75, and 76 are awesome. The color of the colonies of these plates look like it could be all three genera of interest. There is a orange colony (maybe Blastococcus), two black colonies (Geodermatophilus), a cream colony (Modestobacter multisepatus/versicolor), and a colony that is centrally dark with a cream parameter (Modestobacter versicolor),
Remind me to tell yall on Monday a really great story that happened at the Circle K last night.
Monday we.......
Wednesday was a busy day we extracted DNA from organisms that lived in Soil Samples. The Soil was taken from the same location that our previous Soil experiments was taken from in my case it is sample N97 which is from Nevada. The extraction process was performed with a 10g sample of soil and was fairly similar to the process of DNA extraction from cells. Before we began extracting DNA we graded our pH test that was started after the midterm examination. All already described species have a wide range of possible pHs they grow at. This experiment can help us further align our isolates with which described species it best resembles. The majority of my group’s results showed a decent growth from ph6-10 with a few exceptions. These exceptions are not surprising in that they could be one of the Modestobacter sp. that have a range of pH 3-12. A color change at higher pH occurred usually around pH 9 and maintaining through pH 10. There was one exception which is shown in the provided pictures and that was isolate number 7 it usually has a dark orangey center with a light cream to pinkish ring around the outside and as the pH increased the pinkish ring got small and the orangey middle got darker, but at pH 9 it changed to just the cream pink color and reverted back to the orange and pink morphology at pH 10. As one can see in the pH6 photo this isolate seems to have a mixture of colony colors the pink and orange so the normal morphology is not a far stretch of the imagination. However, what would be the reason for only the growth of one colony morphology between pHs.
I would like to thank Cristi for her help in jogging my memory about Monday.
pH4 no growth
pH5 no growth pH6 growth notice the two colony morphologies of isolate 7 pH7 decent growth pH8 decent growth pH9 notice color change of isolate 7 pH10 again color change of isolate 7
Thursday, March 26, 2009
So this was the best week ever, by far!!
I love doughnuts!
This week was very productive and fun!
On Wednesday, we first recorded the results from the pH tests. We had many interesting finds. Many of the strains were more tolerant to higher basic pHs than acidic pHs. Also, a few of our strains actually changed color with changing pH. Then we extracted DNA from the dirt samples we used previously in the class. The MoBio soil DNA extraction kit was used with 10g of soil, and the protocol was followed. These DNA samples will be used in a PCR with GEO primers to see if our dirt samples contain any of the studied genera.
The pictures of our pH plates (see those in post of Yellow Rive below) show how stain #69 actually changes color with increasing pH.
New data and more to come......
For the strains that had shown good growth at 10C we streaked these (from the stock plate – grown at 25C) on the medium they grow best on and incubated them at 4C. If these grow at 4C after 20 days we will reduce them to 2C.
The pH plates which had been incubated for 20 days at 25C were scored on Wednesday and we found that some strains grew through the range pH 4 to pH10. Others did not grow at either end of the range tested. We scored these as 1-4 + so as we can say what the optimum pH for growth was as well as the range. See a very nice example of the plates from our pH experiment below. Interestingly these strains did not grow at pH 4 or pH 5 but did grow at pH 6 through pH 10. Also of interest is the change in color of strain 69 for example (bottom right corner in pictures below) at different pH values. At pH6 strain 69 is black while at 8, 9 and 10 it is orange/tan.
pH 5
pH 9 pH 10
In a previous class we demonstrated that we could use the Geo specific primers (Salazar et al) to test if a strain is a member of the Geodematophilaceae. We used these on some strains from our strain collection as well as on strain we had isolated from the 3 soil samples we used in class. This week we extracted DNA from these same 3 soils (without radiation) using the MOBIO Soil DNA Extraction Kit. We used the kit that starts with 10g of soil. The reason for using 10g is that these desert soils have low numbers of CFUs/g and so will probably have a low DNA yield. We also attempted to maximize the DNA amount we recovered by doing the final step (the elution) using half the amount of MD5 (4ml instead of 8ml). Next week we will use this DNA in PCR using the Geo specific primers to demonstrate the presence of members of the family Geodermatophilaceae in an environmental sample without having to isolate the actual organisms.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Growth doesn’t mean degradation
Wednesday we ran the gel of the PCR products that was performed last Wednesday. Our gel showed that 6 DNA samples from the original isolates amplified very well with the GEO primers this reaffirms what we originally expected that these isolates are of the Geodermatophilaceae family. The other 16 samples from the gel are of the isolates that were obtained from the irradiated soil serial dilution plating. All except for 2 had no band. The two that had a weak band were the two isolates named N97-6 and N97-19 because of the presence of at least a weak band further testing will be done to these isolates they will first be included in the 16s rRNA amplification and sequence coming in the next few classes. The rest of the class was spent grading the remaining temperature test that was plated on the Wed after Mardi Gras along with the Avicell, Granular Cellulose, and Xylan test plated on the same day. Avicell is a type of cellulose. All of the cellulose and Xylan plates had good growth on them, but after analyzing their cellulose or xylan degradation it was clear just because they grew well didn’t mean they degraded the polymer. To test if the organisms degraded the two types of cellulose Congo Red at a concentration of 1g/L was added to the plates after 15min it was poured off and 1M NaCl was added for 15min after dumping off the NaCl the zone of hydrolysis would be measured anything over 2mm is a positive result. For those interested the paper that this procedure comes out of, according to Dr. Rainey, was Dr. Rainey’s 13th paper. Xylan had the same parameters as the cellulose except instead of Congo Red Iodine was used. Sadly the class result was negative for degradation of all polymers by all isolates.
Image 1 is of the Gel containing only the DNA samples from the Serial dilution isolates as you can see there are some bands present and most are weak.
Image 2 is of the Gel containing the PCR products from the 16 serial dilution samples plus the 6 samples from the original 26 isolates the bright bands are the original isolate samples the 2 weak bands are from serial dilution isolates giving the conclusions stated earlier that our 6 isolates are highly probable to be GEO’s and the serial dilutions are highly unlikely to be
Our strain 37 was uniformly shaped ovals clumped together into groups of 3 to 4. We took photos of this organism under the light microscope. Our strain 40 showed possible signs of motility based on the twitching motion observed. Strain 40 varied between elongated ovals to round in shape, occurring in pairs. We took photos of this organism under the light microscope as well. We observed no DNA on both of our slides; probably do to the cells needing to be treated to allow the DAPI in.
An example of how the Dapi works was given by gathering biofilm on a slide. Under UV, lots of DNA could be seen with the Light Microscope.
The professor of the lab prepared our slides for the TEM. On the first go-round neither of our cells appeared, but we she changed the order of making the TEM slides, our organisms appeared. It was possible she didn’t get any cells on the copper/carbon plate. Our strain 37 occurred in clumps and appered as lumpy ovals whose membranes lacked rigidity. Our strain 40 appeared as elongated ovals with singular flagella. Images of both strains were taken
The next class we made a gel to run our PCR products in. We used size marker 3 and we were looking for fragments of about 550 basepairs. We had positive results for strains 34, 44 and 45. Possible reasons why no bands appeared for strains 27, 29 and 48 could be no DNA was extracted to begin with or an error occurred in the PCR. We also had positive results for LRH-4, 9, 11, 12 and 14. . Possible reasons why no bands appeared for LRH-1, 2, 5, and 13 could be no DNA was extracted to begin with, the samples were not the correct organism (we used specific primers), or an error occurred in the PCR. No contamination of the PCR Master Mix was indicated by the lack of bands in the DNA (-) lane. We recorded a photo of our PCR.